In 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 14.6 million Americans live with severe joint pain, with arthritis affecting an estimated 52.5 million adults in the country at this time. Arthritis is commonly causes knee pain – one of the most – if not THE most – important joints in our bodies today. It’s impossible to go anywhere, or do anything that involves movement or standing without the reliability of our knees.

If you’re someone who has been living with knee pain, you’ve probably sacrificed an active lifestyle along the way. Here are a few signs your knee pain is getting out of hand:

  1.     Difficulty Walking: Are you unable to walk, even for 1/4th of a mile, without sharp knee pain? Have you resorted to driving to absolutely everything, and avoiding events that require substantial walking, because of your knee limitation? That’s a sign you need to see a physician.
  2.     Weight Shifting: Do you shift all of your weight to the leg without the bad knee? Do you find yourself balancing your weight in stores or out at events so you can give your bad leg some rest? That’s another sign you need to definitely have your knee looked at this week.
  3.     Collapsing: Do you find your knee giving out or collapsing beneath you? Have you fallen or bumped into walls because your knee is unable to support your body? Not only is this dangerous, it is also a sign that your knee pain is impacting your active lifestyle tremendously.
  4.     Sleep Problems: Does your bad knee throb when you lay down? Do you notice your knee joint paint affecting your quality of sleep, thereby affecting your mood and performance the next day? If your knee is throbbing at night, your body is trying to tell you something.
  5.     Less Sensation: Although you may be aware of a constant pain coming from your knee, do you feel a dulled sense of feeling in and around the knee? For individuals with knee pain, it can be common to start to lose feeling. If this is you, it’s time to come meet with our knee physical therapists.

Orthopedic Associates of Denver

Here at Orthopedic Associates of Denver, we are a team of specialized physicians, surgeons and physical therapists that are able to help with sports-related injuries, arthritis, and any other type of knee injury or discomfort that could be impacting your lifestyle today. Knee pain is an incredibly common occurrence, which is why you shouldn’t be afraid to come in and talk with our specialists before coming to any conclusions on your own. Reclaim your active lifestyle today.

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